I am sending you (or your
organisation) this letter/mail, because somehow you are presenting
yourself (or your organisation) as “communist” or “revolutionary”
or “applying Marxism” (or scientific socialism or dialectical and
historical materialism....).
Well, I consider myself
also as such.....
But at the same time it is
my opinion that the MOST communist organisations that I know are
“contaminated” with “some” opportunism (mostly a form of
dogmatism) and that several (in perhaps an earlier period) communist
organisations have become in reality REFORMIST organisations.
I have in the passed five,
six years (that is in the time that I have been expelled from the
Workers Party of Belgium (WPB, analysed what I
consider being the development of opportunism in the WPB and the
deterioration of the WPB into a REFORMIST party.
I think that the WPB is to
consider as “teacher of the negative example”.
At the other hand I made
some analyses about the political line of the Greek KKE. At this
moment it is my opinion that the KKE is making some opportunist
“mistakes” which are resembling the opportunist mistakes which
the WPB was making before the “coup” of some revisionist cadres
in 2004, which lead to her actual reformist political line,
“affirmed” on her 8th congress in 2008.
I am considering the KKE
as an example of the danger of when you are NOT recognising and
fighting opportunism in your organisation, the danger of REFORMISM
(defended by Marxist-sounding phraseology) is real.
The result of my
analysing, you can find here
in downloadable documents.
Some point of views
taking the WPB or the KKE as example for the two cases as I explained
here above, you can find here.
Some points of view
of how I am thinking about revolutionary strategy, you can find here.
I hope that I can
stimulate some discussion about how to come to the necessary
revolutionary strategy which has now to be developed, among all those
who consider themselves as the vanguard of the working class or as
communist or revolutionary.
Always ready for
discussion I am greeting you now,
Nico Oldenhof
PS. In attachment in a
pdf-file my latest point of view
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