respective “workers and unemployed” of Spain, Greece, Lithuania,
Latvia and Ireland are being called by the respective “communist
and worker-parties” of Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and
“Worker, Unemployed
The Communist and Workers Parties of the countries of Europe which have been most affected by unemployment Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and Ireland call on you to struggle and organize.We address the 24 million “officially” unemployed people in the European Union, particularly the long term unemployed, the unemployed young people and women who are most badly affected. (....)
All of you, as well as every worker today, better understands that this labour “jungle” is spreading and is becoming a general law which, slowly or quickly, big capital, its governments, and the EU seek to impose in every workplace. There is no time to lose.1”
for which struggle the workers of those respective countries have to
organise themselves?
“....The way forward is to win the majority of workers and their families for class based popular struggles on the strategy which promotes their interests. The Communist and Workers parties must be at the heart of this process.
Struggle together with the class-oriented forces, together with the Communist and Workers parties.
Organize in your unions and workplaces. Contribute to the development of activity. In this direction the strength of the working class can be reinforced.
Demand immediate measures for the protection of the unemployed:
- Decent unemployment benefit for all the unemployed.
- Comprehensive medical pharmaceutical health-care and social security protection.
- Freezing of their loans and mortgages.2”
“Unemployment is not a natural phenomenon. It is bred by the capitalist system which is characterized by the anarchy in production, by exploitation.
Only a socialist economy, that is to say a centrally planned economy that will be based on workers’ power and the socialized means of production can guarantee the right to work for all.
This is what happened in the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries and it is a historical achievement and one of the many accomplishments of the socialist countries.Our parties call you to struggle every day, to struggle for the abolition of the exploitation of man by man, for a society without unemployment, for socialism which can satisfy the needs of the people.3”
each country, how little it is (So in Luxemburg also?) its working class
has to make "its own" revolution?...
communist and workers-parties of Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and
“In the countries where our parties operate, Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and Ireland unemployment has reached very dangerous levels. The bourgeois class in each country and the predatory alliance of the EU as a whole, have declared war on the working class and the poor popular strata. The capitalist economic crisis brings new measures which smash whatever the anti-people offensive in the previous period had left upright, especially after the Maastricht Treaty.
In this harsh reality, a handful of plutocrats have made fabulous profits. And yet they demand further measures. Their crisis is not a debt crisis, it is a capitalist crisis which came about due to the over-accumulation of capital.
In order to overcome the crisis in favour of capital, the industrialists, the bankers and the other sections of the plutocracy along with their political representatives impose hard measures in order to further reduce the price of labour power and force more people into unemployment.In this situation the people's resistance to these harsh measures has been hindered by those elements in the trade union and labour movement who, having long ago accepted the logic and the ideology of capitalism, now plead that there is no alternative but to succumb to the offensive of capital.4”
the representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie present “in
each country”
has to be considered as “the
bourgeois class of each respective country”,
to be overthrown by a working class DIVIDED by their nationality (the
working-class of “each
distinctively). Why not considering the imperialist bourgeoisie
UNITED in “the
predatory alliance of the EU”
who IMPOSE by their representatives “in
each country (....) hard measures in order to further reduce the
price of labour power and force more people into unemployment.“
in the light of the GLOBAL “capitalist
economic crisis (...)which smash whatever the anti-people offensive
in the previous period had left upright, especially after the
Maastricht Treaty.”
order to make the EU competitive in the global imperialist world by
increasing the level of exploitation in the whole EU?
you can call (as the vanguard of the working-class of the EU) the
working-class of the EU to struggle united for the expropriation of
all what is located of the global monopolies in the EU and install
the workers-power and socialist plan-economy (as first step to a
communist production-system) in the EU.
“Workers of all countries”: revolution each in his own country?
KKE of Greece:
“Recently, demonstrations have been held in many countries across the world under the “umbrella” of slogans of “solidarity with Greece” and “we are all Greeks”. Working class and popular solidarity are powerful weapons in the struggle of the peoples. But the workers must deal with any attempt to mislead them.
(...) (T)here is an effort by certain forces (mainly of social-democracy, the opportunists of the Party of the European Left and the “Greens”) to use vaguely the “solidarity with the Greek people” to whitewash their support which they had provided in the past to the Maastricht Treaty, and the other Euro-treaties, to the EU of capital itself, which is reactionary and in no way can be “democratised”, as they are even now claiming.In addition there is an attempt for the issue of Greece to be utilised in the inter-imperialist rivalries, inside and outside the EU.5”
although the KKE is calling “The
newest and most contemporary slogan, which is more timely than ever
is: “Workers of all countries, Unite!”....the
KKE is NOT giving a call for making one big united revolutionary
working-class against the “bourgeoisie
united in their predatory alliance EU”
but rather for a DIVISION of the struggle within national borders
against the representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie “in
each country”:
That is the highest form of “solidarity” within the working class of the European Union which the KKE can imagin:
That is the highest form of “solidarity” within the working class of the European Union which the KKE can imagin:
“Yes, the workers in Greece want the solidarity of the workers in Europe and all over the world! But solidarity with their struggles, their strikes, their militant demands, the KKE, and the class-oriented trade union movement, PAME which is in the front line of the struggle and not the “solidarity”, which seeks the continuation of capitalist exploitation and the squeezing of the workers.
Regarding this issue the Press Office of the CC of the KKE issued the following statement:
“The KKE addresses a message to all the workers of Europe: It is not necessary for you to “become Greeks” in order to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Greece.
We call on you to join us on the same road for the contemporary rights of the working class and the poor popular strata, in order to impede and overthrow our common enemy, the dictatorship of the monopolies, the EU, the parties which serve them.Their overthrow in every country or group of countries, the socialization of the monopolies, disengagement from the EU, NATO, with working class-people’s power will be the greatest contribution to the struggle of the peoples of Europe and the whole world.6”
the development of capitalism brings higher
forms of centralisation
and in fact is forced
to create a sense of “one
united working class of the EU”
by imposing to ALL the European workers continously similar increases
of level of exploitation, the KKE is preaching a strategy out of a
time of capitalism which was developed on national scale (and
in that nation were then conceived the colonies “owned” by those
“national” capitalists).The
KKE is creating an artificial “contradiction”
between reformists and bourgeois and herself in order to defend their
strategy of DIVISION of the working class in “national”
working class each struggling against their “own
“national bourgeoisie. For the KKE the GLOBAL monopolies are all
monopolies of a certain “nationality”
just creating a kind of “coordination”
on international level. “The”
capitalist state is for them identical to the state developed by
capitalism in the nineteenth century.
KKE about the EU:The state, developed by the imperialist bourgeoisie must not be destroyed, just federalised (by “disengagement”!?), “Commune” by “Commune”....?
“One of the arguments used by the bourgeois and opportunist forces in Greece, in order to blur the causes of the capitalist crisis rooted in the basic contradiction which characterizes capitalist society, the contradiction between capital and labour, is the argument concerning the “loss of national sovereignty”.
So, depending on who is invoking this argument, variations of this line are presented of the type “the government is not negotiating!” or “the government implements the orders of the foreigners” or “they serve the Germans”, “the foreigners govern us”, “we are under occupation”, “Greece has become a protectorate”, “ we have lost national sovereignty”, etc. Indeed, at some point the last argument was used by the leader of the social-democratic party and the Socialist International and former Prime Minister, G. Papandreou, who claimed that due to the crisis we lost national sovereignty and that the workers must endure harsh measures, so that the economy can recover and we can find our “national sovereignty” again…The KKE comes into conflict with the above-mentioned points of view, which deceive the people, as they conceal the reality and propose out-dated solutions within the framework of capitalism. In addition, they unscientifically present the relations of dependence and interdependence, which emerge in the framework of imperialism and within the imperialist unions (such as the EU) as a consequence of the loss of “national sovereignty”, while they constitute a result of the uneven development of the capitalist countries. The bourgeois class of every country participates in these unions, not because it operates allegedly “treacherously” or “anti-patriotically”, but to serve its class interests! In order to strengthen its position inside every country against the working class, using both repressive and other mechanisms and tools which these unions possess. It is incorporated in these in order to better participate in the global competition with the American, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and other monopolies and to increase its profits. In the framework of this ambition it cedes sovereign rights to inter-state bodies. These relations of dependence and interdependence are not abolished through the humanization of “imperialist unions”, e.g. with more “democracy” in the institutions of the EU, as the opportunists demand, but through the disengagement of the countries from these unions, their dissolution, the establishment of working class-people’s power, the socialization of the basic means of production, central planning and workers control of the economy, through socialism!7”
the KKE develops the strategy of allowing the further existence of
the (state-)instruments of the imperialist bourgeoisie functioning in
the interests of those global monopolies which needs and will be
well-served by a competitive
EUROPEAN environment against those global monopolies which needs and
are best served by an American,
Chinese, Japanese or Russian competitive environment,
by just isolating a nationalist (autarchic ?) Greece. Forced to
autarchy, because a socialist Greece will be boycotted and attacked,
economically and politically (and by interventions!?) by the
surrounded imperialist environment. Greece will be forced to pay its
debts further if it want to import what it needs, or to export in
exchange for that import, so by having necessary trade-relations with
the surrounded imperialist environment. Or it has to wait until in
other countries around her, the same strategy will be followed, to
have a socialist partner. Or while socialist Greece, disengaged from
the EU, and so boycotted and hindered by the EU, will depend of the
good will of.......Turkey!? (....while the “national sovereignty”
of Greece HISTORICALLY was just won on the old Turkish-ottoman
of the overall policy of the state of the European
monopoly-capitalists: increasing the level of exploitation
of the whole European working class
this can only be stopped if the European working class decides to
break the power of those monopoly-capitalists, expropriating them and
to build a socialist plan-economy that produces in function of real
(in defence) against deterioration of once achieved reforms AND then
just in each member-state of the EU apart, AND NOT building ONE
European workers mass-struggle-organisation with an anti-imperialist
program of “expropriating” all privatised sectors and former
(member-)state-enterprises or -services and all monopolies and
monopoly-capital financial institutions to make of them unified
public European enterprises under control of a voted, working, cheap
and periodically public justifying “parliament/government” (with
abolishing of all installed but not-voted European institutions) is
what Lenin called “economism”.
Of course this includes the building of ONE European organisation of
the van-guard of the working-class a European Communist Party (and
NOT a multitude of “national” -member-state communist parties).
1 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
2 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
3 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
4 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
5 , “Regarding the expressions of solidarity with the Greek People”
6 , “Regarding the expressions of solidarity with the Greek People”
7 : Introduction to the video: “regarding a lack of national sovereignty and inequality” - “National” or people’s sovereignty? - International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE, 7 March 2010, Nationwide KKE Conference.
1 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
2 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
3 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
4 , “Joint Statement of the Communist and Workers Parties of the 5 countries with highest levels of unemployment in the EU: “Organization and struggle for stable work with rights. Immediate measures for the unemployed. Struggle for a society without unemployment, exploitation, capitalists. The answer is socialism.” By The Parties: Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Socialist Party of Latvia, Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.
5 , “Regarding the expressions of solidarity with the Greek People”
6 , “Regarding the expressions of solidarity with the Greek People”
7 : Introduction to the video: “regarding a lack of national sovereignty and inequality” - “National” or people’s sovereignty? - International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE, 7 March 2010, Nationwide KKE Conference.